Monday, October 24, 2011

winter wheat III

and after lunch i headed out to campus ( where i saw coach and had a pleasant chat) check on the is doing better which is cool but i'm still up against the timeframe for it to establish itself before real cold weather hits and it goes dormant...then we need snow to insulate it...a tenuous business but i'll assume biology knows what it's doing...i counted sixty plants up and running today...tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 70s temperature wise then a cool off...wheat is a cool weather crop so as long as a hard frost holds off ( for the wheat and the teosinte) we should be okay...the ears of teosinte seeds out back are starting to shatter even though they are a bright green color yet...i have planted and marked a couple just to winter them over outside and see if they germinate in the spring...the rest i will harvest and dry, planting them before the last frost next spring...i have more seeds form native seed search so, with luck, we will have a few more mature plants next season.

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