Monday, April 23, 2012


just a quick trip around the property to have a look at some apple trees that are up and running ( and growing ) the top photo and the bottom two are of the trees i planted last summer...all three sprouted leaves last month during the insanely hot march we had and i have covered them with frost cloth ( the green stuff in the background of some of the outdoor photos ) on more than one april night...the second two are of the trees under the grow-light in the basement...they don't have frost worries but will suffer significant shock when they do make it into the great outdoors...resilient critters that they are they will be fine...there is good new growth in all five trees...the outdoor ones have already been heavily mulched with compost and i see that as a summer long trend...hill the potatoes...mulch the trees...they are years away from fruit bearing and there's no real telling what kind of apples they will produce ( odds are they will be spitters fit only for cider ) it an experiment in genetics...perhaps there's a paper in there somewhere.

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