Saturday, July 7, 2012

i u northwest community garden

after i was done at the perennial garden project i strolled over to the iu northwest community garden and picked out three plants each from the eggplant, potato, and pepper bed to serve as a representative population for each species...further research has shown the dates i gave to maturation to be in the ballpark for each...different sources give slightly different dates but they are within five to ten days of the original dates i gave...the dates for the peppers and eggplant are for transplants rather than plants grown from seed and the date for the potatoes is for plants from seed potatoes ( though some sources place the outside date at 120 days rather than the 110 i gave)...the season there is 42 days old and the eggplants have bloomed...with only 38 days to the outside maturation date i found that seems to be reasonable...a month or so to generate produce...the potatoes are all budding and preparing to flower...half to a third of the way through their season this seems a bit early...the red nordlands i planted in my back yard in april didn't bloom until last month...but there are a multitude of potato varieties all with distinguishing characteristics so, for now, i will just assume this is reasonable as well...i can't see any signs of reproduction in the peppers at all...but that could just be me...all in all the plants seem to be well within the normal parameters that i found for them...which still doesn't help explain what's up with the jerusalem artichokes...the season isn't over yet however so i'll keep collecting data and try to find some answers.

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