Sunday, September 30, 2012

mea culpa

an email from dr. lee dehaan at the land instittue points out a fundamental mistake i have made about what we are dealing with here...these plants are not hybrid anything...there is no hint of wheat in them...the are intermediate wheat grass ( thinopyrum intermedium ) that have been artificially selected for " yield and larger seed." he goes on to explain the reasoning behind this, " domestication doesn't have the advantage of using the genes from wheat, but we also don't have the genetic complications that result in sterility when you make wide hybrids." so, if i understand this correctly, they are trading off the quicker route of producing hybrids for the longer process of domestication that will result in a much more reliably viable seed. so we can discount my talk of hybrids and stick to the process of artificial selection that humans began with the neolithic revolution,

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