Thursday, September 20, 2012

wilt II

i had expected the zea diploperennis on campus to display signs of water loss after my trip to the industrial field yesterday and i wasn't disappointed...he stoma had closed to curtail water loss and the leaves had curled throughout the stand..a good soaking with the hose had them perked up in about a half hour,,,but they are beginning to die back for the season...when i cut them back last autumn i wasn't sanguine about a second season...sub-tropical grasses aren't native here and i had no real expectations of them wintering over...the mild winter was probably why the survived to this year...we'll see what happens next year...the jerusalem artichokes ocntinue to bloom and die back...still weirdly counter-intuitive....they have always died back more or less in unison before,,,another oddity this season...the garden is slowing...the hopi blue is done and the sunchokes are finishing...but the overall cast to the project is still green...chinese yams, cowpeas, and brussels sprouts still chugging along and the fall planting for the pgp and home garden still have a way to go....won't be mulching until november.

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