Sunday, February 23, 2014

the pgp today

for all the grip that winter still has on the community garden the climate across campus is remarkably different...the pgp is free of snow and i can only attribute that to the proximity of hawthorn hall that both shelters and warms it...the mulch covering has held up well...but the system has been tested for three winters now and it is what i expected barring critter interference...there are still threads of green in the eastern gamagrass which is a bit is usually totally dormant by now and it is still too early for it to be "greening" the chlorophyll never completely left the leaves apparently...all the seed ears on the northern tepehuan teosinte plant have shattered so there should be plenty of seed scattered if it's viable ( see the next post about the attempted germination of seed from my back yard ) we may have another generation in spring which might wrap up annual teosinte on campus ( but not in my yard )...we could say we did it and document it...what more is there? perhaps some cross-pollination with maize...but goofing around is what my yard is for.

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