Monday, December 18, 2017

a bit more basement news

the leaves on the mashua growing from a cutting continue to grow well...encouraging development given the availability and cost of mashua tubers to purchase fro spring planting out doors...
even more encouraging is the growth on the mashua plant that has sprouted from a small tuber i planted in a peat pot...if good growth continues these will be transplanted to a larger container and, hopefully, provide tubers for spring...
the two teosinte flowers i found emerging over the weekend...
have been joined by a third...these are all zea mays mexicana plants grown from seed i got from the usda and test germinated in october...these plants are not even twelve inches tall at the top of these flowers and i have no real idea where we are going here...this is a variety i have very limited experience with so what happens next is a mystery and the results will be a surprise, no matter what they are...always something to learn...even in the microcosm of a peat pot.

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