Saturday, January 20, 2018

spuds, silks, and sundries

this spud had outgrown the peat pot to the extent that there were a number of roots protruding from the bottom...
so i soaked the bottom of the peat pot in water to soften the bottom to minimize damage to the roots when i removed it...
after i freed the roots i planted the spud deep in a container in amix of compost and potting soil to feed it and allow it to grow and have space to set tubers...
then i repeated the procedure for this plant as well...there are two more in peat pots down there which are not ready yet...finding lighted space will be a challenge...
the two yacon plants that are up ( no word from the third rhizome yet..i pushed back the soil and it has sprouted...just taking its time breaking the surface ) are is their wont...that is fine the can happily finish outdoors next season...
Jean's puddle wheat has not its holiday finery yet...if we are going to see ears they should be forming within the next few weeks...we will be patient...
all four mashua plants are doing well...this one is by far thje farthest along although there i another that will need a trellis soon...
over in t= a teosinte container the mashua cousins the nasturtiums have latched onto a trellis as well...we will see how well they vine and if we have blooms...
and while we have the teosinte in mind, the silks on the plant that o dis covered a few days ago are still in evidence and doing the job of seed formation ( i hope )...
and a few inches away this plant has flowered, thickened at the base, and deployed silks as a second opportuinty for indoor seeds...
there are three more zea mays mexicana plants in stages of blooming down there so, hopefully ( again ) there will be enough pollen circulating ( i have a small fan on a low setting circulating air for a number of reasons ) to gratify the silks...more as it comes up.

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