Monday, May 24, 2010

water II

it was warm in the garden this afternoon...i imagine it was yesterday as i figured it would be a good idea to stop off and water the plants...a ways back i worked out a watering schedule by sitting down with ome reference works and roughly figuring the plants' needs and i've tried to stick to it fairly closely...since april second, when i unmulched the garden for spring, i have been tracking how much water i've put on the garden over and above natural rainfall ( which has been pretty good so far ) almost two months ( including today ) i've dumped two hundred and seven gallons of water on it...quantified through the tedious menthod of filling gallon jugs...tedious but it also allows me to put water where i want it...i've hilled th epotatoes and mulched the jerusalem artichokes, in part to help cut down on water loss through evaporation...i have yet to do the yams but there's a long weekend coming up...doubtlessly some of it will be spent on campus.

the top photo is just a shot of the garden as it looked's coming along...the middle photois of wheatgrass ( which you may have to click on to really see ) it's been up for a few days and looks good...the bottom photo is of a chines yam vining up the 2 X 2 i put in there for's moved up a couple of feet in the last week ( the other yam suffered some wind damage, but has sprouted another vine..hopefully [and with some help] it will find the other 2 X 2 and join its partner on the trellis ) they'll vine anywhere they grow and can be hard on othe rplants, choking them off which i why they are cionsidered an invasive intent in giving them someplace to go was to avoid any issues. with, say, the jerusalem artichokes which are about a foot-and-a-half tall but could provide a tempting target when they reach their full height of eight to ten feet...there are no erious issues in the garden...the teosinte at home is having somthing of a challenge in adapting to life off the heat mat, but they're still green...they're also perennials and my hope is that they are putting energy into roots rather than growth...they seemed to shoot up overnight, but have stalled...more as i it happens

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