there's always movement in the garden and this week has been no exception...the last of the potato harvest is in...thirteen more potatoes from the last five plants...the runt plant produced only one potato but at 286.8 grams it was the biggest of the lot out of a total harvest of 2.8762 kilograms...as i was digging them out i inadvertantly exposed part of the root sytem of the intermediate wheat grass...they're down nine inches since i sowed the seeds in may...perennials that they are they should go quite a bit deeper, when i'm turning under the cowpeas i planted in the potato bed this autumn perhaps i'll take another look ( that large root at the bottom of the photo is from am asparagus plant that is on the west side of the wheatgrass...they are going even deeper, six to eight feet before they're through)...the midlle photo is of a thriving cowpea...there are one hundered and nintey-eight of them up now and i planted a few more when i harvested the last elephant garlic today...the plant with the big flowe produced the cloves for next season's planting ( the other two plants without flowers produced something that looked more like an onion...not unususal since elephant garlic is a member of the onion family...so the flowering plant was the reproductive mechanism...so surprise in that either ) i'll be planting those in the auxilliary garden here at home this fall...the last photo is of the yam vine on the top of the trellis producing aerial bulbs...i bought twenty of those last year from joe hollis at mountain garden and every one of them germinated...i have twenty yam plants in the ground here at home and there are uncounted bulbs on those two vines ( something to do next trip) we will be the chinese yam barons of northwest indiana soon...i wonder if there's a market? these yams are perennials and the ones in the garden look awfully happy...we could be producing these things for years. maintenance will be the focus for a while now until the jerusalem artichoke harvest starts...the yams will be last on the list...more as it transpires.
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