Tuesday, May 31, 2011


maybe it's the anthropology...or, perhaps, i'm just reaching an age that finds itself compatible with the sedentary pursuit of growing plants...or a combination of the two ( or more) factors...but i am completely geeked by what's going on out there...the top two photos are of the same teosinte plant ( Zea diploperennis) at an interval of about thirty-two hours...i am not sure how well the change comes across in the photos but that plant is about an inch ( exaggeration? don't know...forgot the photographic scale) taller and the greening it has undergone is not an exaggeration...growing like maize...the third photo is of a another teosinte plant on campus...the fourth one is maize i have coming up in a container outside the house, and the bottom one is younger Zea diploperennis in my backyard...the family resemblance is unmistakable to me...i will be taking photos every day somewhere just to keep up comparisons as the plants mature...fore-warned is fore-armed...i will be posting alot of them.

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