Saturday, December 15, 2018

december photosynthesis

i find it rather mild temperature wise for mid december in my back yard...some of the plants are finding it so as well...others not so much so...
the winter rye is looking green and grassy...
and all seems well in the wheat bed next door...
the asparagus is standing in clear opposition tot is done and that's's my back yard and not the campus garden so i will cut this back sometime in march to help the new growth break surface...
both the local variety of berries and the new york imports are taking advantage of the sunshine to expand and consolidate their territories...never waste a sunny day...
and it seems that this egyptian walking onion finds december sunshine as congenial to new growth as any other...
most of the teocintli ears i left unharvested have shattered...
still there are some seeds hanging around...i am less than sanguine about another generation coming from these...more likely they will come from seed i have harvested and will test germinate in april...i would say that the annual/perennial line marked the difference between green and brown if asparagus were not a perennial...exceptions to everything...irregardless...i don't see any green annuals.

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