Sunday, January 27, 2019

january twenty-seventh outside and in

stumpy, the ex-locust tree, tells me there has been more snow overnight..
and so do the fir trees which were snow-less yesterday...and i am in favor of snow even with the navigational impediments it delivers...
because cold has settled in for something of a stay ( more there in a bit )...
the good news is there is no more green showing in the winter rye bed and there is 5.125 inches of snow cover...
and there is minimal green in the wheat bed because of the 5.25 inches of cover snow is good...the forecast says so...
it has its twists and doubt about that....i suppose there have been fifty-five degree ( fahrenheit ) temperature swings over five day periods before...still...unsettled seems a good term...
what happens outside is clearly our of my control...inside i have the ability ( and responsibility) to intervene in the lives of plants i am responsible for and this spud was ion the verge of outgrowing the peat pot i was was time for a move...
so i drilled some drainage holes in an old five gallon bucket, being sure to knock down the burrs it left in side so the water would actually drain...
i did not knock the soil off the roots when i removed the plant but you can see the roots are a shade longer than the plant is tall..the had pretty much found the bottom of the peat pot...
i planted it about two thirds of the way down the bucket so i can back fill as the plant grows to stimulate tuber growth...experience tells me not to expect much in terms of size...probably just a few drops i can plant outside in spring...that will be good enough for an indoor winter season in completely unnatural conditions...i set the bucket on another upturned one under the lights by the mashua..which is doing well itself...
puddles' kids look a lot like mom did right about this time of the basement season...leggy and falling over...still..they and the onions are green and i do believe they will be around for the outdoor rejuvenation their mom saw come april...
and over in the opposite corner the cohabiting yacon and mashua are looking robust as well...the basement season has expanded a bit but is still under control...iot that far to spring even though a casual stroll outside might convince you otherwise.

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