Thursday, April 23, 2020

unnecessary travel

the trip i made out south on tuesday, when i observed some anhydrous ammonia being injected into the growth medium, could probably have been defined as "necessary" i went out south just to go...and, while i did not interact with anyone and was alone in my truck thusly following "social distancing guidelines"...the trip was about itself...
and i did see more fertilizer on the move...the lake county co-op out in porter county moving the "inhalation hazard" closer to the fields where it will do in more earthworms before it feeds the dense yellow #2 i suspect will grow out there this season...if the weather doesn't interfere...petroleum based ( or dependent ) inputs should be cheaper this season...i am told anhydrous ammonia is going for $472/ton which is a long way from the $851/ton it was about six years ago...herbicides and insecticides should follow the trend...wouldn't expect bayer or monsanto to be cutting any deals though...
some fields have been worked...
some have not...the presumption is that these are where the ammonia is headed...
i did have a look at some erosion while i was has not really abated...
this was a spot on a rainy january day this year...
the same spot late last month...
and today...obviously farmer brown has decide to run with the erosion rather than fight it and turn the eroded gully into drainage...a reasonable choice since the field was draining down the slope and across the road there anyway...perhaps the lake in the road will abate now...
at home more asparagus is up...
and downstairs there are half a dozen new spuds up that will be transplanted outdoors soon...the community garden hasn't cashed the check yet so until there is some official acknowledgement there won't be any movement there...when they do, compost first..then spuds...the rest will wait until later in may.

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