Sunday, June 14, 2020

second sister

made the short trip to the community garden in portage this morning and bed six seems fine...
the spud corner has some blooms opening and the probability of more on the way...a sign of fair health...
the turnips, kohlrabi, and celery are moving their season along...
the peas will be wanting a trellis soon...
some jalepeno and sweet peppers have joined the population...which is all good but not the main focus of today's jaunt...
the maize row begins to resemble a john stewart curry painting...
and the plants have all reached the requisite six inches in height...
to allow the planting of the "second sister"...
so i did...a few inches in front of each maize plant...a ready made trellis for each bean...all we do now is water and wait...
in the meantime out in the back yard the egyptian walking onions are beginning to bloom...
as is the bittersweet nigthshade...
which is attracting some agile bees...
the spuds, which are the bittersweet's cousin...are blooming here as well...
unfortunately, so far, the blooms are just falling off...there doesn't seem much chance of potato fruits this year...spuds are finicky about producing seed...
the asparagus is in full bloom...
while the alfalfa is just starting...
and the rye and wheat are done with all that and will begin to ripen directly...
and while we are talking wheat, ancient dna has cropped up again out back as the very old variety emmer is still producing ears around ten thousand years after it was first domesticated...
no one should have expected the jeruasalem artichokes to give the past two weeks they haven't...
then again, they have not intimidated the onions holding their own out front of the horde..or the chinese yam vine that has taken to the trellis and will be producing aerial bulbs soon enough...another relentless colonizer, this one has stared down the sunchokes for years...
and finally...there are bees in the hawthorn...
and an old friend dropped by earlier in the week...always something going on out there.

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