Friday, March 19, 2021

the day before spring

it's a seaonable day here...upper forties ( fahrenheit ) and the einkorn wheat i planted a few days ago would seem to be on the rise...which prompted me to do a few things out back...
first i dug up another corner of the winter wheat bed that seemed bereft of wheat and broadcast in another handful of einkorn and raked it in to a shallow depth...
then i filled one of the containers my friend mik gave me ( thanks coach! ) with a mix of compost and vermiculite and planted about half the packet of black tip wheat i bears a resemblance to its cousin einkorn...however it is much easier to thresh and is also mostly ornamental and will doubltlessly find its way into vases eventually ( depending on how the season goes )...
thirdly i put a few more handfuls of einkorn in a burlap sack and whacked it with a stick for a while to loosen the husks so i can thresh and winnow more seed to plant in a couple of community gardens and out back...
in the process of that i spilled some unthreshed einkorn and rather than pick the few grains up i decided to run an experiment and see if it will germinate in the husk...if it does so successfully in any numbers that would militate towards less work in future...if not we will know what to do...
the garlic and onions aren't waiting for tomorrow to get started...
the daffodils out by the east bed aren't exactly standing still...
and there's new growth on the berries in the bed behind them...
in indoor berry news, another stolon has landed...i am thinking this colony will be going back outside a berry-free spot where we can monitor its progress in reacclimating to the wild...betting they will do fine...tomorrow is spring...there is still no word from the ramps or the asparagus...looking to see what the next week brings from them.

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