Friday, August 6, 2021

on the garden bus

out early this morning i to a trip by the community garden in the next town over...
along the way i picked up a hitchhiker who rode along ( despite the thirty and forty mile an hour buffeting ) with me...
my bed seemed to be in order...the maize row is tall and the ears of flint corn look robust...
there are still multiple blooms on the spuds...
however, rather than producing fruits, the blooms are simply turning brown, shriveling up, and falling off...leaving the stems behind as evidence that this is not the year for fruits...
and these spuds have been in the bed since spring...some are showing signs of finishing up...harvest soon enough...
the rainbow quinoa is in fine shape...
and the happy beans delivered a handful that will be good in a salad...
back home the mooseberry bush has sprouted new growth...
the jerusalem artichokes and the squash continue to bloom...
there are ripe tomatoes...more ingredients for that salad...
the teosinte is bloming as well...
and the plants have responded with silks and ears...
i found a few more beans...
and the hitchhiker stayed onboard until the bus reached the terminal...he can move into the mirror or find a niche in the yard with the rest of the insect population...we will see if we see him around.


  1. I love your blog. What potato varieties are you growing?

    1. elmer's blue, michigan purple, red pontiac, and german butterball...and thank you for the kind words
