Tuesday, September 14, 2021

autumn is on the way

the genetically spliced soy beans are telegraphing the approach of autumn simply by chromatic signal...
the pods are changing color as well...
those spliced in genes may keep the herbicides from killing the beans...that pig weed out in that field tells me the "weeds" are evolving without laboratory help...or, perhaps, in response to the lab help the beans are getting...
there's volunteer corn out in the bean field too ( and let me say here i did not wade out into the field...i stayed on the grassy berm by the road...the volunteers were simply conveniently located at the field perimeter )...
it was fairly stunted in dense yellow #2 terms, however it did produce ears and, a first in my volunteer corn exoerience...i could feel kernels under the husks...not sterile...not hybrid? who knows...they're doing wonderful things in the lab these days...
everyone i could reach had ears...everyone i could touch had kernels...so something new learned from a bean field today...
here at home the wheat is booming along...many plants have a second leaf now...
and the berry greeter in the rye bed...
has found herself in tall company...
there are still some fat clusters of teosinte ears out there...
however most have begun to split open revealing the individual ears...
green seed is still the norm...
although some ears have finished up...i have harvested a small amount of seed...anticipating more...
beyond that, grapes continue to ripen...
and mooseberry is doing just fine thanks.

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