Sunday, October 23, 2022

it's been a while

there's usually movement in the yard, however, of late, it has been remarkably slow...things may be picking up though...i was out harvesting teosinte seeds out back...
when i came across a seed in an ear with a green shoot...trying to germinate...
i have encountered this sort of behavior out in the fields of industial corn...this is the first experience with teosinte...
so i prepared a peat pot with compost and worm castings...
and planted him green side up under a grow light...we will keep him watered and lit up and see where we get seems another indoor season may have the mean time out back...
i have a fair bed of winter wheat going...early days yet...i am less than convinced it will prosper...we are at the mercy of a changing climate here...a lot depends on the timing of snow...
a second generation of leaf cutters hatched out...and declined to re-use the bee hopes the old nurse log a few feet away has some cocoons...
the jerusalem artichokes are done...
they produced some fair sized tubers ( and an earthworm came up with one of them...always pleased to see those )...lunch from the yard...tomorrow may have some interesting events and there will be community garden clean up and continued skewering of garden bureaucrats over the term "event time" cannot be helped.

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