Saturday, October 14, 2023

disrupted plans

my gibberellic acid arrived two days ago and so the pieces for my planned winter basement season of growing four corners potaotos form seed derived from the fruits i had harvested seemed to be moving along...i was not planning on starting anything down there until late this year or early next and when the plants had finished, if they produced tubers, i was going to grow outdoor potates cloned fron tubers grown from true seed next season...until, of course, my plans were disrupted...
when i found this spud chitting away in a corner of the plant room and very clearly almost on its last legs in terms of stored energy...feeling an obligation to, at least, provide opportunity for growth...
i planted it deep in a container leaving only the very top above the surface ( which looks actually like it was producing tubers )...added water...and turned on a grow light...we will see where we get with this.

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