Saturday, March 16, 2024


there is asparagus up and running in my back yard...
so since i had some time i wandered over to campus to open the asparagus bed just to see what was what...
there was a bit of frost on the fabric and when i pulled it up it did not seem as though there was much going first...
a closer look showed there was a spear of asparagus that had broken the soil surface...recently given its soil hat...
and over in the southwest corner the alfalfa is beginning to green up...a successful transplant there...
there was no green in the southeast corner...the plant was basically sitting on top of the soil...i would suspect frost heave had pushed it up...
however, when i pulled it up the roots were still supple and moist...
so, since there is some hope for a recovery, i dug a deeper hole and replanted it firmly...we wil be looking at this over the next few weeks to see if the plant can bounce back...they can do that at times...reference the saga of puddles the wheat plant here in this blog from a few years ago...
that done, i turned the back of the bed in an effort to discourage "native growth"...i will be planting back there before the end of the month...i have so sed for emmer and einkorn wheat and will likely throw some barley into the mix...a bed of grain i think is in order...more when we check in on the alfalfa.

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