Friday, June 14, 2024


fed-x delivered the bee cocoons on the twelfth and, as usual, i put the tube n the refrigerator for fifteen minutes to calm down any bees that hatched out ( always the boys ) in transit and then took it outside...
i was mildly surprised to find no active, if somewhat dopey, bees when i opened the tube...
and even moreso when i began to pour out the cocooons...
i placed the cocoons in the hatchery...
secured the anti-critter netting...
and zip-tied down the roof...
as i got to the end of the tube three of the boys that had hatched out in transit did appear, however by that time they had warmed enough to be fully operational and off they flew before i actually got any good photos...
they seemed pleased to be out of the tube and out in the world, going off to explore...
last year one of the hatched boys was missing a wing...he hung around the hatchery for a while and then vanished...i'd like to think to safety however there are a lot of predators in the yard...the good news this year is everyone took off with an even chance...always good to find a plus...i will keep an eye out for hatching girls...they keep to their own schedule so keeping an eye out may not equate to seeing.

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