Saturday, March 8, 2025

moss and lichens

there are seventeen trees in my back yard two firs among them ( as well as two firs on the south side fo the house ) which serve as sinks for some ( not nearly all ) of the carbon emissions i produce...if i had room there would be more firs out there, however that is not possible...recently i have been reading about the ability of mosses and lichens to sequester carbon and so i went out to look around...
among the mulberries and maples out back there are two gigantic locust trees...
and they are home to a vaiety of mosses and lichens...
the maples back there seem to be only hospitable to lichens since i did not find an moss i could identify...
conversely the black walnut seems exempt as a host...
however the moss and lichens on the dead wood out there...
as well as the moss on the ground...
and lichens on stones make up for the habitat denial...the back yard is a shady place when in leaf and so moss and lichen friendly...i wasn't expecting to find as much in the sunnier front yard...seems i was mistaken in that...
it is a fact that the maples out by the street have a mush sparser population of mosses and lichens than those in the back...
however the ground along the north side of the yard, from the bushes that border the neighboring driveway back to the ramp bed is alive with mosses...including the drive, there are more carbon offsets in my yard than i had will take some serious calculation to discern how much of the carbon i produce these mosses and the combination of fungus and algae that make up lichens will sink and i doubt i can come up with an exact figure...which won't stop me from trying to ballpark it...more later.

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