Sunday, May 13, 2018

the game's afoot

it has been cool and a bit rainy here recently...however that hasn't really put the breaks on the yard...
the rhubarb seems about to flower...
the spud i planted in the rhubarb bed to keep them company continue to pop up...
there are many happy ramps on the north side of the house...
did someone say teosinte? well...there it is any weren't going to not see it...
the gnarled, grandfatherly, twenty-five year old grape root stock has irrupted in leaves for another season...there are vines all through the fir treed and the catalpa tree as well..last season's crop was a disappointment...perhaps we will do better this year...
all the wheat is looking robust...however the biggest event ( so far ) today is...
the winter rye is nearing the two foot mark in height and, more importantly, had begun to display ears of a few more weeks the ears will flower and then the rye can move on to finishing its season and be should be the first in the rotation of week should see another round of containerized spuds going in ( including the government spuds ) and...if the weather warms...maize, tomatoes, and peppers.

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