Wednesday, May 23, 2018

garlic, stolons ( again ), silks, and sundries

i was crushing garlic for spaghetti sauce when i came across this seems to want to grow so...
i found a likely sized container for a single garlic plant, filled it with compost, and panted it with just the green tip showing...
(and the compost seems to be chock full of healthy nutrients judging by the plants taking root in the bin's ventilation holes)
the i took a few small pots and wandered off to pin some strawberry stolons in a effort to assert some sort of control...i pinned tow more in the east bed... and the moved south...
this stolon that has taken off towards the jerusalem artichokes has already sunk some roots so i left it be...the stolon has continued on however, so when it geys a fair distance away i will potting it as well...
this one was headed towards the sunchokes at a more oblique angle and i captured it before it set i ahve a small minority of the now forty-eight stolons under control...there will be more captures...
there are happy radishes and onions out there...
new silks are enmerging on the potted teosinte's ears...
and the in-ground teosinte is evincing new is ( finally ) a dry, sunny, fairly warm day...hopefully that growth will continue...i am still concerned about those stolons though.

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