Sunday, February 25, 2018

devil pantry

i have quite a few potatoes stored in the plant room in the basement...the steady temperature along with stable humidity and indirect lighting are all traditional; methods to keep stored potatoes from sprouting in works and we would call them "winter keeping potatoes"...
enter the pantry...which , in contrast tot eh plant room, is warm and dark...someone ( not me ) put some all blue and a couple of other varieties of spuds ( i see an elmer's blue and what look like german butterballs ) in there and when iwas rummaging through it today i found chits everywhere...
so i found space for them ( it is a very crowded plant room at the moment ) and planted them to preserve them...
the container with the shriveled spud i found on the bookshelf a few weeks ago has been back-filled to the brim and the spud is looking robust...
three days ago i found this potato which had already sprouted and leafed...
and it is happily soaking up light in the now there are eighteen potato plants down there where i had intended for there to be none...i had wanted a more controlled season in the plans have been subverted by the nature of plant/replant perennials and the vagaries of stuff crammed in the pantry...
there are multiple teosinte ears still maturing..
the yacon...
and three of the four mashua plants ( the fourth is, i am afraid, a goner ) are doing fine...
and kind-hearted Jean's puddle wheat perseveres despite showing no signs of ears of grain...yet.

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