Monday, February 11, 2019

expansion and progression

for as much as things change down in the basement there is still continuity...puddles' kids for instance...still green..still leggy...still looking remarkably like mom...and they continue to send up new sprouts that fall over...
the yacon is evincing new growth...albeit slowly...slow is what yacon does...and the cohabiting mashua has vines everywhere...
the two mashua plants across the room continue to fill the trellises and vine over the sides of their containers as well...
the garlic is getting leggy too...there will have to be some rearranging of location and lighting soon...
all three of the spuds i planted eleven days ago and that are the reason the season is "expanded" have now deployed leaves...i am assuming there are roots involved as well...more containers and rearranging to compound the complexity of limited space and lighting ( there was a reason i wanted a "simple" season down there...desire and intention are often frustrated ) is the way of things..added complexity and increased energy always attend expansion...
and thirty-eight days into its season the spud i planted in january is a green and robust nightshade that needs to be back filled a bit more...not "leggy" in the least...compact and leafy...both indications of the possibility of good tuber production...we will see in a couple of months...although these are blue potatoes which are notorious ( in my experience ) for just going on and on...we may need to intervene if we haven't already.

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