Thursday, February 21, 2019


nature has its own timetable and these four bisons and four blues are not going to last a lot longer in air...i am the one who pulled them out of the ground last year which makes me the responsible party whether i had plans for growing them indoors or the rearranging begin...
first the three spuds i planted twenty-four days ago had to be moved...they had pretty much outgrown the peat pots anyway...ot was they moved into five gallon containers...
the bisons went into peat pots and , since i shared out my peat pot stash with other gardeners, the blues were left to make do with what was around the plant room...
this new expansion necessitated the lighting of another light..and still there is a good deal of crowding going on...a quick census reveals twelve wheat plants ( puddles left a legacy capable of producing many many children )...three onions...three garlic plants...three mashua viny houseplant i put down there because it was dying in the winter sunlight upstairs...and now twelve spuds...april cannot get here quickly enough for these.

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