Wednesday, May 15, 2024


middle of the month and the everbearing strawbnerries are...bearing...which suits me some and the birds to a greater extent...
the basement teosinte has moved to the great outdoors and continues to flower...however, despite a swelling in the stem below the bloom i cannot detect anything like silks and so doubt the possibility of seed...viable or not...
some of the five containerized teosinte plants ( there is a dog here now ) are working a third leaf...pleasing...
the grape vines on the trellis and the ones in the caltalpa tree are leafing out...
as are the ones in the fir trees...
and the concord is showing good new vine growth as well...
my mooseberry bush ( high bush cranberry for those of you who did not grow up with rocky and bullwinkle ) is being skeletalized by what i believe to be virburnum leaf beetles....i try to be organic and will use neem oil if and when the japanese beetles appear however that will not control these beetles so i have utilized a systemic insecticide which i applied around the base of the plant and i have been dousing it with insecticidal soap...we will give mooseberry every chance we can even if it transgresses some tenets...
mason bees are working away at filling nesting tubes in bee houses scattered around the yard...good news and i will need to place more around to accomodate the leaf cutters coming next month...
and, finally, it has been rainy here...last month we received more than double the april avarage rainfall ( i know, averages lie )...and it has been a wet may to
fungi are popping up all around...and...
the dead elm at the back of the yard is supporting an irruption of dryad's saddles...there's bound to be more going on as the month progresses...we will see what transpires.

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