Friday, May 3, 2024

new habitat?

got a dog...a terrier with an inherent avocation for digging...she has dug a trench along one side of the yard, although she has mostly abandonded it for a new interest in mole hills, the abandonded trench is not dead...
it has become habitat for at least three nests of ground bees...this is the first time i have noticed them in the yard and i am inclined to believe they have been attracted by the trench since they are digging nests into the trench wall...they are not aggressive, they were buzzing me as i took photos but no one even seemed interested in stinging me ( although they can sting ) they can stay as far as i am auxiliary to the leaf cutters that will arrive next month...
april was "unseasonably warm"...or, perhaps, simply the new "seasonable" and my rain gauge recoreded 4.7 inches of precipitation which exceeds the 2.52 inch average ( yes, i know, averages lie ) for the "normal" april...and with a shade over an inch of rain already in may it seems destined to continue..we will keep an eye on that...
the surviving tesointe plant that has been in the basement most of the winter...
has flowered...i will be keeping an eye out for any swelling in the stem below the flower and for any sign of silks where the leaf just below the bloom meets the stem...seems unlikely to me, however there is hope...
and in other zea news, one of the ten or so zea mays parvaglumis seeds i planted in a container ( remember the digging dog? ) has germinated...i will be watching this and the seed i planted last week on campus as well...more as it comes up.

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