Monday, June 20, 2011

asparagus on the move

a quick trip to campus after work revealed that the replacement asparagus spear that was about half an inch tall yesterday morning is now four and a quarter inches tall...wasting no time in continuing to feed the roots...i will be back-filling that hole soon...that's not the only one on the move...two more have sprouted new spears to take advantage of what must be good conditions...fifteen spears from seven plants so far this's hoping for a good crop next spring...a better photo of the intermediate wheat grass seed now that it is starting to ripen...i will need to time my collection to avoid letting the seed heads shatter...i would like to plant a second generation stand here at home...ripening is what the winter wheat is on about as is noticeably riper than last time i posted a photo...the bird tape seems to be doing its job...i cannot find any missing grain...yet...the yams (no photo here...not that i din't take any but they wouldn't fit in this post and i am running out of time here...more later) are coming along well the course of helping them find the trellis i have recalled an important fact...chinese yam vines spiral up in a counter-clockwise direction and any attempt to get then to cling clockwise is doomed...this recollection should decrease my yam frustration noticeably and help me get the little devils moving in an upward ( and then lateral ) direction. it's been a busy season so far with almost everything from teosinte to potatoes working well...there's still alot to do and alot to come...the successor failure of the rhyzome barriers is still an unknown...what the jerusalem artichoke harvest will be like is something of interest to me...and i have been kicking around an idea for a modified storage trench that will hopefully allow predetermined numbers of frozen tubers to be brought in to thaw in chunks of rock hard soil...still a potato harvest, cowpea planting, winter wheat, and the fate of my apple trees that shocked badly but are now showing signs of new growth...some of my teosinte here at home was pummeled badly by this morning's rains...there's that to be concerned about too...i hilled them into upright positions...the jury is still out... and there's no telling where the rest of the season may lead

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