i got a couple of 22 ga. drops from work ( bo said it was okay...i asked first) to use as rhyzome barriers in my back yard...i have jerusalem artichokes planted around the peremiter of the baack yard...while i don't care if they colonize the unused alley ( trash pick-up was moved to curbside when the mayor put his name on all the garbage cans in town and the alleys were abandoned to the stray dogs, scavengers of other types, and a easement for nipsco...i actually have a blog about it on wordpress) some of them are fairly close to the property line i share with one of my neighbors and i am not sure how they would take to a colony of aggressive, native plants invading their backyard...so i opted to be proactive and try to cut the
little devils off at the pass ( not entirely altruistic on my part...if i turn the rhyzomes back into my yard i turn the tubers back too...what's mine is mine)...so...how to do it? dig a trench approximately two to four inches shallower than the width of your barrier ( cutting through countless roots and finding an assortment of unidentified bones, bolts, glass shards, and buried thorns from rose bushes that seemingly do not rot and a pair of wire cutters rusted to oblivion)...place the barrier in the trench angling it slightly away from the plants...( i'm tod if the encounter a barrier squarely they just spread out and go around it...the angle deflects them towards the surface of the soil where they won't set tubers)...and fill the trench in with soil...repeat as often as necessary...if it hasn't rained in a while you might want to thoroughly soak the area first...muddy, but more tractable.
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