Sunday, October 15, 2017

there have been casualties

the temperature this morning is seasonable...
and we got another inch and three quarters of rain overnight...which in and of itself is fine...however...
both the zea mays parvaglumis and the northern tepehuan teosinte suffered some wind damage with a number of stalks falling over...the zea mays parvaglumis is not a matter fo much concern for me...i had zero expectations of anything like viable seed from it and i have a fairly large quantity frozen and more i just purchased...the northen tepehuan is another story...
two stalks of one plant are bent over and split while a third snapped entirely...teosinte wants to fall over as it matures anyway so i left the damaged stalks laying and we will see if the splits in the stalks are terminal or if the seeds still mature...we will use the difficulty as a learning experience and see what transpires...
i removed the stalk that had completely broken and had a was alive with ears which is unfortunate, however, it is from the plant that began producing later...the plant with the older ears is undamaged so the news is not catastrophic and part of this one will be dried and presereved simply because i want to...
i opened one of the ears and it had two sub-ears which i husked to expose the seeds which are ...i ate some just to see...if you have ever nibbled a blade of grass from the lawn you have an idea of the flavor ( these are grasses after all ) except the seeds are sweeter...the outer shell of the seed was chewable but it was very fibrous and when i had extracted the germ from the seed i ended up spitting them out...they were chewable but seemed indigestible...more on this as events unfold.

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