Tuesday, November 21, 2017

basement 21 november 2017

i have teosinte under grow lights in three different spots in the basement and, so far, it's doing okay...
some is taller than i would like...however it has broad, green leaves like the grass that it is and the plants are standing upright with no hint of laying over...
better still, some are squat plants that bear a better resemblance to their domesticated offspring than the taller plants...working on roots instead of leaves...
as i expected, some are tall, spindly, and in constant need of reassurance that they should be upright...they are not indoor plants really...i would expect failures along the way...
so far i have one robust looking mashua plant down there that came, not from a tuber , but from a cutting...a couple of green leaves to feed some developing roots...to be able to produce seed tubers fro spring in the basement would be very gratifying...we'll see...
finally, what my friend Jean call "the puddle wheat" ( because it germinated in a small puddle of water in the basement ) is just fine..the original leaves have all lain down, however the secondary growth is turning into wheat...another experiment really...it was germinated and growing rots...the only thing to do was plant it and give it the opportunity to grow...another container of "we'll see"

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