Saturday, March 31, 2018


it has been two weeks since i opened the asparagus bed at the community garden and i drove over there this morning specifically to have a look and s what, if anything, was cooking...
i was not rewarded in any extravagant way...but neither was i disappointed...there is a spear that has broken surface on, as you might expect, the root system that was the most prolific producer last season,,,where there's one there will be more and they have a marked tendency towards rapid growth while the weather is cool...we can expect harvestable spears from say mid-april through june...unless summer arrives with little or no warning and the transitional season vanishes...which wouldn't be anything remarkable in these anthropocene days...
some other cold hardy adventurers are around..these overwintered above ground and are turning into spring green garlic plants...i counted ten in this particular bed and there are a few solitary ones scattered about in other the perennials are back ( yes you can grow garlic as a perennial ) to start the season...the have better than a month until the annuals show up...they will use the time...

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