Saturday, March 24, 2018

slow spring... places anyway..there are new spuds up in the nursery...
and the mashua is doing well...
since we last had a look at it forty-three (!) days ago, the yacon has made significant vertical progress...
Jean's puddle wheat is still is also still not showing any signs of producing ears...we are hoping fro a break in the weather ( march has been stubbornly cold so far ) so we can get it out into some fresh air and sunshine and see what ( if any ) rejuvenative effect that may have...
while some teosinte has failed there are still five plants going strong...
this plant has three ears up and running...and another has two...
while this very different looking teosinte plant ( plant morphology is obviously complex beyond my limited [ albeit now expanded] experience...i wouldn't have called this teosinte until i saw that ear ) has produced an ear...silks and it wasn't a rouge in the seed i got from the is the real thing...
the huskless ear on another plant has lost some seeds and i am waiting to see how the remainder might mature...
as i mentioned, it has been a cold month...the wheat i planted a week ago, while it is showing signs of beginning to move has not germinated yet...there is no asparagus up...either here or on at the moment the only thing moving outside 9 in vegetable terms ) are the hardiest of the cold hardy, the ramps...
the crocuses do not fear the cold either.

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