Monday, October 8, 2018

gone at a loss

i missed the harvest in the bean field by the supermarket...the president says soybean prices are up...he is mistaken and i believe it is purposeful because politicians lie from expediency...actually soybeans have lost 140.60 per metric tone since last april and $63.68 since the thirtieth of last must have been worth the cost of harvesting the beans, however i am not sure by how might have even been at a loss but better than letting them rot in the field...i do not have enough data to give a clear conclusion...
there were a few stems with pods still attached lying about...
and the odd bean or two dislodged from a pod...
on the whole though the beans were scoured out of the field a lot more efficiently that the dense yellow #2 was last autumn...seems they got the bulk of the beans...
in a side note, the milkweed pods in the berm of the field are ripening and this one had split open..i collected a few and will go back for more..there will be milkweed in the yard and re-wilded and i have someone to send some off to as well..the filed may be harvested but i am not finished there just yet

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