Sunday, July 21, 2019

i watered so of course it's raining

it was about twenty degrees cooler than this time yesterday when i got to the garden after work...the beds were pretty much bone dry anyway so the first thing i did was water them...this seems to have stimulated harm no foul...the plants will be fine.. .
the asparagus has weathered the heat with no is deeply rooted so that is no real surprise...
things down in my bed are okay ( with one issue...we will get to that )..the row of maize is coming along and the one at the end still dwarfs its ancestor...
the zea mays mexicana down at the other end of the bed is having a better has both flowered and tillered...there should be signs of silks and ears soon...
the pepper ( with a spud buddy that has popped up...rhizomes will do that ) is less crabby these days and showing signs of buds...
and while we have the possibility of future pepper blossoms, there is a spud in bloom right now...
while one row over this basadre has finished its season...
i popped it up and found eight spuds in the root ball...
which weighed in at 12.5 ounces...added tot last week's 7.875 ounces our average yield per plant is up to 10.1875 ounces of organic world's record...i will take it though...
both alfalfa plants are looking much greener this week...will be looking for nibbled circular holes nest trip out...
finally, there are still some fine examples of that climate change marker carolina horse nettle around the the beds and in the lawn...i have nurtured a few in my bed that someone continues to pull up ( i do not invite people into my bed lightly and i would appreciate it if these uninvited were to get out...this has been a contentious point before ) so i brought some home to isolate ( in containers...i have enough loose colonizers as it is...both deliberate [ say jerusalem artichokes and the berries] and some foisted on me [say creeping charlie and that damned lemon balm and poke weed] there is no need for more...simply looking for some solanum morphological comparisons ) where no one will decide it is a "weed" and it can be left in peace...perhaps to bear fruit.

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