Sunday, April 25, 2021

campus movement

took a trip out to campus this morning...and things have changed...this...
has become this....
the cleanup has commenced...
signs are up...including the ones in the asparagus bed ( which is mine this season ) and in my bed from 2019...
beyond that there is movement but it is of a more sedate tempo ( whith one exception )...
as i looked over my bed i found an elmer's blue had migrated to the surface...
it was rooting away on the surface and would have eventually sprouted...however, mindful of the unreliable weather and the possibility of predation i planted it a bit deeper...
after that was accomplished i turned the unoccupied portion of my bed...
and ( surprise! ) i turned up yet another volunteer spud from 2019 which i replanted at the end of the stand of einkorn wheat...
which is coming along, slowly...the plants all have second or third leaves which indicates the roots are progressing...there may be some fencing erected soon to keep things tidy there...
in contrast, the alfalfa plants are not wasting any time...they are booming along preparing for whatever bees ( one hopes for leafcutters ) may find their way to the garden...they will be ready...
the asparagus population is ( gratifyingly ) expanding reasonably rapidly...however it lacks verticality so the prospects of a harvest today were dim, if nonexistent...
i brought all my stuff homne and i had the entire garden to myself so distance was not an senses over-caution...institutional bureaucracies are like that...thinking the plants are disinterested in signs...they know what to do...pandemic or not.

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