Saturday, July 29, 2023


ten thousand year old dna has reproduced in my yard...
in terms of the current "improved" varieties of wheat it is not exceptionally tall...mostly under three feet...
with a shallow root system...
and fairly small ears...
which becomes more obvious when compared with an ear of hard red winter wheat ( still soggy from last night s thinderstorms )...
add in the fact that each wheat "berry"...
is encased in a though husk and you can get something of a handle on how much labor early agriculture entailed ...the first time i tried to thresh this grain i immediately understood why early agriculturalists put it in a threshing room and let the oxen walk on it...why anyone would involve themselves in this on a massive scale ( i do it because i am nosy ) except out of compulsion ( whether from necessity or by force ) would be another mystery of human behavior...still.. the relentless drive of einkorn dna goes my back yard and in a few other places

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