Monday, March 11, 2019

late winter losses, gains, staus quo

the spuds i transplanted into five gallon containers eighteen days ago have all pretty much gone south and i haven't a clue why...
the bisons...
and the blues i found chitting away and planted at the same time are all doing just i consolidated them under one light to give the better exposure and we will be trading carefully when transplant time crops up...loss is expected, not condoned...
the yacon and mashua are well...
puddles' kids are still green, leggy , and taking after mom...they will be seeing sunshine in the flesh in a month or so ( in fact all these plants will be...the basement season will shut down soon )
even the viny house plant has taken to the light and is exhibiting new growth...
out back the depths of winter would seem to be fading and a seasonal change brewing...
warm as the ambient temperature is, the ramp bed is still frozen solid under the leaf mulch...look for stirrings later this month...
stumpy's dryad's saddle has seemingly wintered over successfully...
the new york imports haven't been exactly inert all winter but they are greener today that they were in say, january...
the clusters of aerial bulbs the egyptian walking onions left behind haven't bee still either and the shoots seem a bit longer today...
poking around in the winter vetch that served as onion cover this past winter i discovered a less social bulb all on its own...still doing what comes natural...
and last but certainly not least, the winter rye...
and to a lesser, but still infinitely better degree than two years ago, the winter wheat, have come through the sub-zero ( with snow cover ) and single digit lows ( without snow ) and will, hopefully, be productive and done by late we are good if wondering about the spuds...things will be moving outside...ramps will be up...and it will be time to dig the bed for the crop of teocintli soon enough...the move outside is near..and about time too.

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