Friday, March 29, 2019

two days from april

the industrial fields around here are still mostly brown and stubbly...although some have been turned already...
you can see where water from recent rains has been collecting in low spots...
and since the soil has thawed a bit you can more easily see how common erosion is out there...
there is some green popping up out there...and soon enough they will all be some sort of green ( well..they'll look like they're green...if you get out of the vehicle and have a look under the canopy they are actually mostly bare soil...the green is a subterfuge )
a lot of that green will be chemically induced...which pretty much turns the soil into a sterile growth medium...but that is a rant we have already had...often...
that bareness will be chemical in origin as well...whenever an entity like bayer ( or say a financial institution...wells fargo does this a lot ) takes out a full page ad in the n y times to tell me how safe/good for me its product is i am immediately skeptical...deceit is a p r specialty...with a long and storied history we won't delve into here...we will continue to distrust industrial agriculture and the industrial food it supports...these people have poisoned the central aisles of the supermarket.

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