Tuesday, April 30, 2019


the temperatures here are seasonably chilly...
and while the rain gauges in the front and back yard do not agree about the quantity ( and it is true that i have not poured a measured amount of water into them to see if the graduations are in sync the identical ones i placed around they yard in years past showed me that rainfall amounts varied across my yard so it is not a surprise ) they both show ample rainfall in the past thirty-six hours or so...and while i have no problem with precipitation and at the risk of waxing aristotelian, the concept of too much of a good thing ( except for cheese ) may be holding true here since it is still raining and the forecast shows no change in the next twenty-four hours or so...so it wasn't much of a shock...
to find the campus garden...while not unchanged, moving slowly with the exception of some human intervention...
that intervention was by way of the trees being planted along thirty-fifth avenue and along washington street...
the rest of the garden is moving along at a more natural rhythm in tune with the weather and the day length...
the asparagus bed is home to twenty-seven spears...some larger, and almost ready to harvest...
and some smaller that have begun to turn green and "fern" to feed the roots...
over in my bed things are reasonably quiet...
the two elmer's blues that have broken surface are showing no signs of bursting into leaf just yet...
and the government spuds are inert...at least on the surface...one presumes the roots are working to lay the groundwork so to speak...
the smaller of the two alfalfa transplants is booming along ( as is the alfalfa in my yard )...
and, while the larger plant has lost considerable green to shock, today i find new growth on the canopy...so there will be a couple of sources of blooms and nesting material for any local leaf cutters...or any other pollinators that happen to wander by...dries. warmer weather should be on the way...unless we are going to be mired in a "little ice age" sort of summer...which would be disturbing but not unheard of...and that should move the spuds along and provide the climate for more planting...we will be seeing soon enough.

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