Saturday, June 29, 2019

a bit drier

six tenths of an inch of rain night before last brings june's total to three and one tenth inches which is less than third of what fell in my yard in some of the less hydraulically inclined plants in my yard are making a slow recovery...
the tomatoes were not so much hydraulically as temperature challenged...with a warm up they have begun to i caged them this morning...
since i put down the repellent i was told was not going to work the rabbits have laid off the maize and there are sixteen up and running...late...but not as late as the industrial corn around is, in fact, too late...every field not planted will be changing to beans...
the rabbits were never interested in the zea mays mexicana and it is somewhat larger than its descendants...that will change if it stays warm...
the rye...
and the wheat have elected to ignore the weather and get on with ripening towards a season's fruition...harvest and the chore of threshing and winnowing son enough...
ramps have long been died back but the few intrepid plants among them are preparing to bloom...i will be clearing the bed soon and spreading a batch of last year's seed to help populate next season...
the walking onions continue to produce a profusion of blooms and bulbs...another serious colonizer ( like virtually all perennials ), i will need to retrieve bulbs to keep them somewhat ( after all i want onions ) in check...
finally, it is the end of june and i took some cuttings form the basement mashua to try to propagate some plants and, perhaps, tubers...we will see what progress, if any, this makes as the summer moves along..july soon enough...hopefully things will take off.

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