Tuesday, September 22, 2020

equinoctial transitions

its the first day of autumn and after i took care of a few things around the house i went for a drive into the local exurban landscape of industrial fields and mcmansions...the dense yellow #2 is dying back from the bottom and the stalks have the obligatory ear...ti's still a ways to go before harvest though...
some fields have been fallow all season...and some are mysteriously empty and plowed...native plant control?
the beans are turning and in various stages of maturation...
and this field...
is the subject of an equinox harvest...seems early to me however it may be they were planted early..they are coming in whatever the case is...
out back the teosinte finds itself in varied states of maturity as well...there is a slower harvest going on here...
the eruptionson the twelve footer out there continue to grow...there are no silks so what they could be is anyone's guess ( or, perhaps, someone knows...i will soon enough )...i will leave them be as long as they continue to expand...we will have a look inside later...
the onions i planted two weeks ago did not hesitate in starting and there are a multiplicity of shoots up and running...
a few more of their allium cousins the garlic are showing up as well...in the ground and in containers...
admittedly it has only been five days since i planted rye and wheat...still i had hoped for a few more plants than this...
to err on the safe side i stuck some more ears of wheat in a burlap bag...whacked them with a stick for a while...and brodcast the threshed grain across the beds which i then watered thoroughly without raking the grain into the soil...we will see what surface germination generates...
the chinese yams have generated a fair number of aerial bulbs this year despite the interference of the gourd vines...
there are some gourds...
including a birdhouse gourd that's big enopugh for...well... a bird to nest in...there will be more from deeper into autumn.

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