Saturday, May 25, 2019

more may movement

8.8" of rain so far this month is not really "normal"...then again "normal" has an elusive definition so all we can do i see what happens...
the winter rye seems to have no issues with is booming along...nearly taller than i am which means it is closing in on six feet...
and more ears have been emerging...pleasing...
even more bed over the winter wheat is showing concrete signs of catching up...full fledged ears soon enough...
and on the subject of fledglings...there are nests of black capped chickadees in both bird boxes...
there should be youth emerging soon...
i am uncertain of the diet of black capped chickadees, however if berries are on the menu they are in luck..the new york imports are still blooming but that is winding down as berry production becomes the focus...
stolons are above ground rhizomes and the berries are not stinting on the energy they are putting into that alternative source of reproduction either...they are escaping the beds and laying in tangles inside them...
both the stolon i pinned in a more likely spot and the rest of the plants in the south bed are looking robust...
which is fortunate because they face a rising tide of jerusalem artichokes...
meanwhile the local berries continue to bloom and berry across the back yard...there will be food for some of the bird population...
the ramps have been around for a couple of months now and some are finishing up...we will waiting to see if any of the larger ones bloom and seed...last season six did...we will see what happens in the next month or so...
there is promising growth in both zea mays mexicana and northern tepehuam teocintli...with more germinating and getting ready for planting...likely some today...
the bison spuds i started in the basement are moving right along and the government spuds have all put in appearances as well...i have more seed potatoes to plant as i work towards a cyclical harvest...time to move in that soon...
the seedless grapes are in full leaf..however they are showing no signs of bearing fruit just yet...
the concords in the catalpa and fir trees are not waiting...they have moved ahead and will be blooming soon...more bird treats as the summer wears on...there is more...and it is early days in the season.

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