Saturday, September 6, 2014

asparagus in two places at once and other garden stuff

the asparagus across campus in the pgp has thrown up some autumn spears as the day length has shortened ( top photo )...not to be out done by a cousin the asparagus transplant the i had given up as lost and which proved to be far more resilient than i credited it has done likewise ( second photo ) good news for the asparagus friendly in the community...and good news for the gardeners the sugar snap peas in my yard the ones on campus have burst into bloom...pods are next in the natural progression...they are bush peas so will require no trellis...the cucumbers have been looking tired for a while now but today i notice some fall colors creeping into the pole bean plants as will be time to finish harvesting, clean up, and plant fall green manures and cover crops soon...winter vetch, winter rye, dixie clover, and alfalfa will be joining the new zealand white clover in the garden for the winter...fall planting of jerusalem artichokes will need to be done and seed garlic is on the way for an opportune placement as well...the garden never sleeps...just slows a bit.

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