Wednesday, September 19, 2018

cross over seasons

the winter wheat i planted ten days or so ago is developing second leaves on most of the plants...
the winter rye is trailing behind a bit in this but is showing signs of progress...
while the grain season is just starting some others are moving along to the end...the beans are still blooming and producing and will continue until a hard frost tells them to stop...
the hot banana peppers are mostly ripe
there are a few kohlrabi left to bring in...
there are still cherry tomatoes on the vines,,,and there are blooms here as well...some seasons linger...
not the heirlooms however...those vines have pretty much died back and i brought the last of the fruit in this afternoon...
there are still some green leaves on the mashua... i will probably be digging that up by month's end though, neither the plant or the tubers are cold hardy...
to the best of my knowledge i have harvested all the viable zea mexicana seed the plants have produced...conversely, the northern tepehuan teosinte is just now beginning to irrupt in emergent ears and a proliferation of new silks...i need another thirty or forty frost-free days for this season to produce viable seed...and i may get it...i did last year...and on one level that would please me...on another, first average frost dates that continue to recede deeper into autumn are surely ( along with carolina horse nettle ) local markers of a changing climate...there can be too much of a good thing...a pharmakon...extending the growing season too long is bound to be harmful in the long-term.

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