Saturday, September 22, 2018

first day of autumn

the first day of autumn was prefaced by nearly three quarters of an inch of rain over three days which was a welcome watering in what has been a dry month...
it certainly did no harm tot he northern tepehuan teosinte...
as it...
continues to...
irrupt in...
emerging ears...
and a multitude of silks...
while the teosinte has a way to go before it matures the maize patch is pretty muvh done...i pulled in the last ear this evening...i actually harvested some this season...i have no idea what happened to the squirrels...i left the stalks standing for now since they still have producing bean vines entwined around and through them...
the winter wheat continues to take hold with more plants developing second leafs...i will be looking for tillers soon...
and the winter rye is matching the wheat's pace...beyond that things are quieting down...the beans are still producing and there are a few spud that haven't finished up just yet...
the last of the hot banana peppers are nearly ripe...
and i will be digging up the mashua soon...the bulk of the jerusalem artichokes can wait until after the first frost...but before the ground freezes...ends and beginnings in autumn...i believe we will skip the garlic this year though.

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