Sunday, September 16, 2018


rather a bizarre set of circumstances ( which will have to wait until a later date for a thorough investigation ) brought me to the garden at about quarter past six this morning and the first thing i noticed was the grass had been cut...
the asparagus is still going well...the squash vine invader has called it quits though...
more "berries" are ripening...a fair crop of asparagus seed this season if anyone is interested...
around the back side one of the volunteer spuds had died yielded a fair haul of elmer's blue fingerling spuds...
i have harvested what maize the squirrels didn't get from my bed...the plants fulfilled their function and it is time to begin the process of winterizing the bed...
so i cut down the stalks...
and began the process of removing the maize roots ( note to self: bring shovel next trip ) which, given the depth and spread of the roots and the paucity of appropriate garden implements, was not the simplest task...
after i hoed the cleared area i broadcast winter wheat seed into the bed, raked it under to a shallow depth, and gave it a shot of water to let it know it could germinate...i will be making more frequent trips for a time to keep the seedlings well watered...
there are still tomatoes taking their sweet time ripening and there is still a potato plants entwined in the i have not cleared the season out of the entire bed will be a process but the wheat needs to be in over the next week or so if it's going to have a chance of wintering over...i may be pushing things along a bit...and...
and look who is making a comeback...the next few months will tell if i have actually manage to control the jerusalem artichokes or if the shade and the roots of the maize were simply forcing the colony into a sort of hibernation...i knew it would be always is.

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